Share price 1174.00 GBX 9th October 2024 at 16:03 PM
15 Jun 2023 Audit & Risk Committee - Terms of Reference
01 Dec 2022 Statement of the Board and Governance Responsibilities of the Chair
30 Nov 2022 Articles of Association of Dunelm Group PLC
01 Oct 2021 Statement of the Board and Governance Responsibilities of the Company Secretary
11 Jun 2021 Nominations Committee Terms of Reference
10 Jun 2021 Remuneration Committee - Terms of Reference
01 Jun 2021 Statement of the Board and Governance Responsibilities of the Chief Executive Officer
01 Jun 2021 Statement of the Board and Governance Responsibilities of the Deputy Chairman
01 Jun 2021 Statement of the Board and Governance Responsibilities of the Senior Independent Director ('SID')
12 Jun 2020 Schedule of Matters Reserved for the Board

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