Share price 1174.00 GBX 9th October 2024 at 16:03 PM
  Year ending 28 June 2025
  Minimum Maximum Average Number of analysts
Revenue (£m) 1,777 1,802 1,789 11
PBT (£m) 210 218 213 11
Earnings per share (pence) 77 80 78 11


  Year ending 27 June 2026
  Minimum Maximum Average Number of analysts
Revenue (£m) 1,833 1,912 1,882 11
PBT (£m) 218 233 227 11
Earnings per share (pence) 80 86 83 11

Last updated: 1 Oct 2024

Consensus includes estimates from analysts from the following institutions: Barclays, Peel Hunt, Berenberg, Canaccord, Deutsche-Numis, HSBC, Investec, J.P. Morgan, Jefferies, RBC, UBS

The figures above are a simple arithmetic average of the most recent forecasts that have been provided to Dunelm by registered investment analysts. As such, the figures do not give greater weight to more recent forecasts or to the forecasts of any individual analyst, nor are they adjusted to exclude forecasts that pre-date a significant announcement or event, and therefore may or may not represent the market consensus. These average estimates are not endorsed by Dunelm, nor does Dunelm assume any obligation to update or revise them after the date above.